Promise me you'll see the World

Promise me you'll see the world this September. Promise me things will be different this time around. Promise me you'll succeed in switching out summer's colors, with fall's earthy color palette. Promise me. Promise me, life won't pass you by, because you made it so. Promise me you've made a vision board for this month and this month alone, because confusion promises unfulfilling stress that isn't in correspondence to those who are considered to be -straight edge. Please just assert yourself this September, and carry out this month's goals - no matter how big or how small. We're allowing our ego to die, because we've seen mostly everyone around us either rise up or fall apart for the millionth time over. And I don't know about you, but after a while, I get tired of living the same life with no great ideas being picked apart to study its wholeness. Go outside for a litte bit, and breathe in the weather change for a little bit, because sometimes all you need to do is experience your new life, before you can fully live in its power.
Be the person that dares to live their day to days in a extraordinary way, in a completely different way. Almost in a way that scares you, and deters others from being around you when all of your gifts starts reigning in. Be the person who scorched their demons and fired their counsel. Be the person who lives on the outskirts, and who chose to go within instead of remaining in places and spaces that aren't destined for newness. Fall is a simple but complex season. Fall isn't particularly shy, but it does consider comfort in solitude over large groups -any day. Fall would rather fall for seasonal lies than scheduled truths. And most importantly, in a way, Fall is unpredictable. Even though fall forces everything around it to detach, it also invites in new beginnings. It gives us time to both comtemplate, but also to wither away all that no longer assists us on our growth journey, before this year officially leaves us -yet again. PERHAPS FALL IS MEANT TO UPLIFT YOUR SPIRIT, PERHAPS YOU'RE HERE TO CHANGE THE COLLECTIVE'S CONSCIOUSNESS BY FIRST EMBRACING YOUR UNIQUENESS!!!! I hope your fall playlist is as good as mines... xoxo ItGirl OverLoad xoxo


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