Being purposeful for good reasons of course...

Tell me you wanted this? Tell me you wanted to be here right now, instead of anyhwere else? Tell me night and or evening blogs are sometimes better than daytime blogs? I mean isn't the night more quiet, and more hallow -which does a person like me right. I can't remember a night, I felt completely dispelled by its comfort, even if I did feel a little less like myself, and a lot more sad. I was dealing with purposeful emotions, but I was allowing them to go to waste. and for what? but forget the wasted potential, because tonight (right now) I have all the tools I need to put on a show -a night show that is. grab your snacks, and your warm tea. I'm sipping on mango ginger tea mixed with a tranquility blend. I'm looking for peace. all you need to know is, I'm looking to relax my digestive system, and the only way to do that is through warmth, and reassurance, because when your body knows you best wouldn't you want to feed it the right things, so that you'll constinously learn new things about yourself...
Let's talk being intentional, and how consistent intentions can create desired realities on purpose. but in saying that there's a catch. there's the knowing and then there's the unknowing. there are intented habits and then there are creepy accidents. I would hope that we would mostly want to purposely create our lives, and I don't know... maybe allow room for accidents. positive accidents of course. brilliant mishaps indeed. needing to overcome yourself this fall will take impactful intentions. all you need is a why and a what, and I vow to you the how will be incredibly funny. I swear. you know what they say, visualization is daydreaming with a purpose. allow space for inspiration, that'll then lead to inspired action. give yourself the freedom to be. give yourself complete silence to recharge your will power, because the world can easily drag you down, after it so gracefully lifted you up.
ALL I EVER WANTED WAS YOU... WAIT NO... ALL I EVER WANTED WAS ME, ALL I EVER NEEDED WAS I!!!! practice going within yourself on purpose, because why... because this is your life. xoxo ItGirl OverLoad xoxo


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