Funky Friday's~ silence and growth

You talk too much. Woah, that was uncalled for right off the bat. I could've at least waited until you got your snacks, before I called you a big mouth. I could've also said hi, how are you? or "That's so hot", Paris Hilton style, to any of your remarks about how today has been a day for you. By the way how has today been treating you? It seems to be leaving me a little too fast, but I can at least applaud myself, on staying decently busy. I 've been creative today, whether it was by reading books that needed to be read, or just by tuning into my own creativity. I can say I finally finished a well read book series. I was left asking myself why did it take me so damn long to finish such a story, but that's just it. The series was such a story. It was brilliant. It was mad, and it was delicious. I had to savor, it or I would've been doing myself a disservice. What are you currently doing that's causing disservices in your own life?
The reason for today's blog is soley to lift you up if you're feeling funky, even if its in the slightest. I feel funky because of old friends and old memories, but then again I'm free to make certain decisions, just like you're also free to do whatever the hell you want. I'm free to grow and succeed and meet those I wish to meet when I become fully myself, when I'm proud pf myself. Or should we always be proud of ourselves to truly bring in more sounds of freedom? You're free to detach from funky feelings whether its being brought on by yourself or by those around you. You need to know your desires to be able to safely pull away from any dangers as well as distractions that currently resides in your reality. I want both of us to dream our new reality, and to also live it today rather than someday.
THE BOOK WAS TOO GOOD TO FINISH IT TOO FAST!!!! I had to sit back to release the aches in my back. xoxo ItGirl OverLoad xoxo


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