According to Britney Spears there's only two types of people in the world!!!!!

If July truly is to be our savior, why not focus our energy elsewhere knowning that everything will work out better than we could've ever expected. All my life I've heard things like life's a stage, and life's just as silly as its maker, but what if I told you that life is also a "circus". In your reality you can either call in profits or poverty. Change or stagnancy. in your reality no one can tell you what to do, unless you allow them to do so. But honestly why would you let others control your fate, if you're the creator of both your days and nights. And according to Britney Spears there's only two types of people in the world -the fire crackers who aren't afraid to put on a show, and the people who stand within the crowds looking at everything that they could've been if they weren't so in their heads.
Energy is a real thing, and you become who and what you surround yourself around the most. So, what does a believer become and where does a nonbeliever reside in the mist of beliefs like: designers have the option to create their own realities. There's this feeling this month that's unmatched. I truly think alter egos are real and with the right resources one can become so aware of the things they desire and the things they'd stay far away from if given enough reasons why to. We as the creators have the options to do or don't do, stay and or leave, but one thing that remains the same: nothing ever changes if nothing ever changes! You can either be magnetic like Britney Spears or be forgotten like what's his name.... You can either make the best hits or copy someone else's flow and see where that leads you. MORAL OF THIS BLOG: DON'T BE AFRAID TO BE DIFFERENT, AND MOST IMPORTANTLY DON'T BE AFRAID TO BE SEEN AS WELL AS JUDGED!!! I don't care judge me if it makes you feel better, but when its all said and done everyone knows that you could never do what I have done... xoxo ItGirl OverLoad xoxo


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