Temptation is a bump in the night!!!!!

I know that someone is awake. I mean I can't be the ony artist still creating content at this time of night. I mean honestly its still early. There's still creative magic in the air. The highways aren't nearly as deserted as it should be. I was about to switch on the tv, but then I realized I could use an outlet instead of a brain rot. Magical beings need time to rot, but they also need to know when rotting is actually rotting their insides and not just their will to create, to silence your creativity for a moment or two. While my cat snores beside me, only I know about the veil, the veil that right now, looks tasty. The veil looks comfortable. The veil is my fu*cking bed. I want to sleep, but I also know I didn't do enough today. I didn't do enough in March, and if I want to see actual change I have to change, right.
Let's talk temptations, and how most times they aren't good for us. I know temptations are hot and most of all satisfying, but are they really made to settle our cravings as an artist, or are they soley meant to destroy what could've came out sooner rather later? I've met the loveliest demons in all the wrong places, and god oh god did my life stopped once I caved in. Things that should've come out a long time ago are still being edited, and promises I made years ago, are still being broken. While I was undressing my wounds, many demons were designing even deadlier ones for me to model. Don't let your clarity go to waste, all because of temptation. Temptation is old and its played out. It stands on the highway looking for its next victim, for it's next ride into town.
TEMPTATION IS LIKE AN EARLY 2000'S SCARY MOVIE!!!! I've been thinking different ever since I've been saying my affirmations consistently throughout the day... xoxo ItGirl OverLoad xoxo


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