Sunday's situation ~ Rebirth and Rejoice

We're tired. We're stuck.We're being held back, and most importantly we've been in this mess before. We're still being outcasted and overlooked, but what if all this is for a proftitable rebirth. What if we're the best necromancers this world has ever seen? I firmly believe in a good amounts of silence, and its ability to heal what's being attacked. I feel the best when I'm alone, and not trapped around people -especially awful people. Sunday is always a day to reconsider, to not repeat whats not meshing well with our ideal lifestyle, and over all, Sunday is a day for tranquility. April has been a situation that has allowed me to listen to postivity all while doing exactly just that.
I think miracles happen just after belief sets in. The more you affirm the quicker the universe knocks on your door. The less you surround yourself around awful people, the easier it is to rejoice in pure joy. Joy is for those who take and honor it, so why not let that be you. Before summer sets in, the world deserves to see us, to see what's possible when we repeat the good things, and release the miserable and despicable things. Right? I've gathered you here today to write out how this week has been, and how this upcoming week can be better. Its time to work smarter, and to isolate better. I love myself, so why would I allow anyone to waste my time -all while stressing me out. What's meant for me will find me again, and this summer smells like test tubes and exploration.
MEDITATE AND SPEAK LIFE INTO YOURSELF The gut feels what the brain repeatedly tells itself, what you tell yourself... xoxo ItGirl OverLoad xoxo


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