So, this is how it's supposed to be, huh???

This morning is a great morning. Maybe I'm exaggerating a little or even a lot, or maybe just maybe I'm telling the truth. I mean I could be a little too bold, and maybe I need to slow down, and realize just how unhappy others are when they feel defeated. Even though my head is above the water, sometimes I feel like I don't belong. Sometimes I feel discouraged by all those who fake like they're nice and dependable. But in saying that today is a new day. A new morning. A better morning, and most of all a morning where I get to choose. I get to choose who I want to be -way before I even step foot into other people's reality. I get to master my authenticity, while uping my divine protection, knowing that somewhere somehow, someone is a little ahead of themselves or even below themselves -being used by something unlike themselves to get me to stop as well as drop what I was sent here to do.
But like I said today has been quiet, and I've been able to focus. I've been reading more and finding messages within books I had yet to finish prior to these last couple of days. I think my energy is free flowing, when I have an empty but available schedule to do whatever the h3ll I want to do. When no one is pulling at my energy, all of my energy is all for me and me only. If you're reading this right now just know that with the right affirmations comes unlimited time. Unlimited time to grow and above all cut cords that drain you. Exits will no longer feel like you're exiting, but essentially partaking in things that make you happy. So, in other words or someone else's words, what's dragging down your mind and keeping you from feeling lighter? I ENJOY BOTH SPACE AND TIME AND EVEN A NICE TUNE TO GET ME THROUGH THE DAY!!! Is it wrong to say that keyboards are turn ons for writers as well as bloggers... xoxo ItGirl OverLoad xoxo


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