We all have them but they can sometimes go unnoticed...

Yesterday I was on the verge of constructive damage. I was in the mood for a funeral, my funeral. I was planning an event, not knowing that I was actually setting in stone an uneventful and meaningless death that wasn't supposed to happen yet. I mean sure we're all supposed to die when the time becomes divine, but how does one stop an abombination from happening, if all their life they've been unknowingly self-sabotaging the divinity in meeting one's higher self? I was creating a space without the proper coordinates to an ultimate altar. I was making death a safe space, when in all actuality I didn't need to die in real life, just spiritually in the spiritual realm.
Someone told me how pissed off my spiritual team was with me, they said they were in fact angry. My ancestors were being crippled all because I wasn't taking the time to really invite a different kind of silence into my life, but I honest to many dread doctors didn't know and or believe my spiritual team existed. I didn't think I was actually worthy of spiritual animals, or even spiritual beings for that matter. I kind of thought my world was empty, because most times all I feel is empty. I was looking for physical movement when I was actually needing spiritual knowledge. I've been seeing larger things in smaller vessels, and even creepier things while sleeing, but in all of that, I haven't been tapping into the rest of my self to get the spiritual downloads that my inner child needs to no longer fear change and or growth. Moral of the justice within the pendulum of self consciousness, get into recreating self spaces for yourself, and don't be afraid to often visit even safer communities -even if that space looks to be a below average hole in the wall. I'M CURRENTLY LETTING TIBETAN BOWLS REIGN DOWN ONTO ME... WHAT ARE YOU DOING???? Who are you seeing if you don't believe in the existence of something here to serve you and only you. xoxo ItGirl OverLoad xoxo


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