What other people think???

I love this segment, because in a way I should've been at a diner figuring things out, but I got seduced into this timeframe... and I hate it. Yes I hate it. I know hate is a strong word, but for some reason I ended up taking the wrong path, and I'm somewhere in between two filthy and uninspiring realms. I'm a sucker for hidden food with comfortable booths. I crave old music with iconic waiters as well as waitresses. I crave a time and a place I've seemingly been but quite put my finger upon. But anyways hey there friend, I know it's been awhile. I remember when there was I time where I was pushing these diner/foodie blogs out, but then it all stopped. It didn't quite come crashing down, but it just vanished, and in a sense I too vanished.
I wanted to talk about others and their minds. I wanted to talk about what's not so talked about. Sometimes we can be so wrapped up in our own little worlds, that we don't really give ourselves time to think about others. But hold on, don't leave just yet. I know all of my empaths, nuerodivergents, as well as overall people pleasers are quenching right now. Lately I've been turning a blind eye to all of my important tasks all while giving my time to greedy and over the top people. I entered a world that I kind of want to leave. I bent my reality and now I want out. I want to know that there's someone else in this untameable world, that's high on destruction and very low on looking just beyond their own windowsill. I want to know others and what they've done, and yet I keep myself too busy to ever do so.
SHE WANTS TO TALK BUT SHE DOESN'T KNOW WHAT TO TALK ABOUT. But anyways I went with the house burger, what about you what did you get?


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