What is wrong with the best of us... the chosen ones???

These days I've been feeling like a monster, like a villain. I've been feeling abnormal but not in a way that you would think. I used to think that I needed to be released from a curse, but then I relaized that I wasn't cursed -but in fact chosen. Although my spirit was above all disturb, it wasn't yet tainted, it wasn't yet truly gone. I wasn't yet truly gone, I was in fact still alive. Even though I didn't want to think about it, there I was -shifting without actually shifting. I was outgrowing all those around me, and I had those same people calling me names, because for the first time it was me actually seeing my potential. I was seeing my potential, and I had fools trying to keep me around, trying to keep me how they've always kept me -small. I told myself that I had to get out and figure this sh!t out... but I couldn't do it while living in this plain reality. I need a new reality if I was going to think differently.
I needed to go to the city of wonder, if I was going to unleash my wonderous eye. I couldn't, I mean neither one of us can do that around a society that's so hell bent on trying to confrom. I honestly think that I would be burned at the stake again and again. I mean I've been there and survived that, but still I can taste the flames -the flames I was forced to love with a particular reason. I looked dumb. I looked unclockable, but wasn't that always supposed to be the point? Who really was designed to be forgiven? Who's the dumba** that really thought that we were created to be readable? We were never meant to be introduced without our own personalized introduction. We were indeed meant to be anything with feeling the need to explain ourselves, but somewhere somehow some dumb motherf*cker changed the rules. I'VE MATURED AND WITH MATURING I'VE DEFINITELY REALISED THAT WITH DESIRED EXPANISON THERE NEEDS TO BE NEW LOCATIONS!!! I've figured my sh!t out, if you were wondering... xoxo ItGirl OverLoad xoxo


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