Can we party with ghouls and everything unlike us????

It's the time of the month to do something spooky -to be apart of something spooky. It's the time of the month to come alive, and let everything unlike you die. The night only becomes enjoyable when you take control over your life, and stir clear of anything enabling a wickedness, unlike any wickedness this human race has ever known. I mean, don't get me wrong, there's always good in wicked spaces. But how good can wicked truly be if it's keeping you stuck? Ladies and gents why don't you take my hand and lose control for a minute. I promise by the end of this nonpretentious read you'll have a better understanding as to why autumn is the perfect season to allow things to fall all while letting yourself rise and take back your reign.
Since we're friends and all... let me show you just how real of person I am. The other day I ended up reaching back out to a friend, and the person I was at that time in my life was uninspired. I was too easily pissed off by energies around me. I was in a terrible place. I couldn't see the real issue in that moment. I was in too deep to make sense of simple things. I mean, how could I dance with what really mattered when I was too busy digesting what didn't matter? I was confident but it was a quick confident -one that leaves just as fast as it possess one's body. I was depressed back then, but I was too depressed to know just how depressed depression could truly consume a person. Sh!t. I was giving misery the outlet to do its damn thing... and I was too weak to start thinking, or shall I say brainstorming my way out of a never-ending storm. THE FORECAST ALWAYS LOOKED THE SAME AND I WASN'T QUESTIONING THE FORECASTER!!!! Some storms never end. Most times they last an eternity, and there's just nothing we can do about it but walk away. xoxo ItGirl OverLoad xoxo


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