Spiritual Sunday's~ You have to imagine it first!!!

It's Sunday, how are you feeling? If you were to digitally ask me I would gladly say that I've been feeling lighter. Ever since I got out of my mind, and spoke with my friend that wears many hats in my life, I've been able to CALM DOWN. Things have been more solid, and my spirit has been more present. Hell, I've even been able to stomach the many bugs when I'm outside in the fresh air, catching up on a book. I'm currently reading "specials" by Scott Westerfield, it's a great book series... if you're looking for aother book to add to your book collection. Because remember being a writer doesn't just mean reading your own books, it also means reading many other books as well. But since it's another SPIRITUAL SUNDAY, let's get spiritual like its no one's business, because to be honest, is it really any one's business -in the end?
Let's digitally speak upon imagining your future while staying in solitude -while in today's present moment. It's very possible to make sweet memories for the future, while not yet being there. But if you were to think in a spiritual sense you would easily know that it's possible to be in many places while harnessing one spirit. Here's the thing, time doesn't exist, it's man made. You can be here, and in another life; trust me its possible. What you desire has already happened, you just have to physically bring your spirit there -to meet your other self, because that's where the spiritual longing comes from and where it can stop and allow you to begin. Go outside and manifest. Manifest until you're confident, that you're able to be at peace while your spirit is able to travel there, and align you with your other self. IN MY HEAD MY FUTURE IS SWEET LIKE FANTA!!! Trust me you have to calm down first before your new life can come in. xoxo ItGirl OverLoad xoxo


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