Corporate America is Corporate BS!!!!

Are you with me, or are am I losing you -due to your demanding job? I wanted to pull you here to discuss Corporate America, and why it's a fascade, it's insulting to us earthly beings. We were never meant to work to only line someone else's pockets. We were never meant to side against one to take non-corporate thinkers down(and believe me a lot of people only join corporate america to play the unruly game). Corporate America is a rigged game designed by the elites, to have us fighting each other unfairly. I mean think about it, why do you become disgusting once coffee's in hand, and you're all clocked in?
You're cruel knowing that it'll keep you in good graces with your boss, and that's fu*cked up. You're told to hate on the worker that only comes to work, to work, but I thought that was the whole idea... why are we conditioned that way? I mean to be honest I've never been the one to go to work only to make other people's lives a living hell. I've always stayed to myself, and this has always gotten me in trouble, and it makes no sense. I don't know about you but I'd rather start my own company, and throw out the outdatd system, to give people like me, a safe haven to heal themselves -while they work. I'd rather allow people to express themselves creatively, instead of hiring them with the cruel agenda to take away their personality. But anyways I have to go, it seems like I've overworked myself, again.
IT SEEMS LIKE THE ONLY WAY TO SURVIVE CORPORATE AMERICA IS BY BEING FAKE .And that's something I can never be. I can never be fake to get a nickel. xoxo ItGirl OverLoad xoxo


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