They'll test you, and you'll do what exactly???

Just like you, I'm using today's rain for good. I mean I've always respected the rain and it's promises, but I never truly stood strong on my crafts when it gets too sticky outside. Hell, I always find myself doing things that I hate, but luckily things have been working out in my favor -even if those things requires a more detailed look. We've confided in each other since the start of last year, I would hope you would've seen the real me by now -within everything I digitally push your way. I'm pretty sure we're in the same boat -in some aspects, or maybe I frequently tell myself this, because it feels like I've been stuck in between worlds -the real world and the one that's yet to be discovered.
But here we are. Today's a new day, but the embodiments of all the people we've ever met are the same...why? Why does it feel like everyone new comes into our life to test us? Is the game ever fun for you, because if you were to ask me that question I would quickly say no. In fact I'd say HELL NO. Digusting people have made me walk out on things, I should've stayed apart of to learn whatever lesson, that was embedded in whatever I was doing -in that very moment. I never got to grow with each test that these unelite people threw my way. I mean that's until I realized how indifferent I am -to those people. I know you've heard that outdated saying since it's so cliche nowadays. It goes a little like "Other people around you can see the potential and or light that you embody. They can see the abundance you carry, and it has a way of rattling at their washed up spirit." I mean the saying wasn't that clever, but it's me that's delivering the message, so just let me put my own spin on it... please. Always remember, unelite people will always become elite, if they're able to make you walk out of spaces, before you're ever able to learn the lesson(s) -in those places. Stop allowing roaches beneath you, to enable your stagnation. Discovering yourself truly means to walk through the pits of hell -expecting to come out scorched -but very much still alive. A PHOENIX HAS TO GET SCORCHED BEFORE IT CAN BECOME THE PHOENIX. Stay in the toxic circle just a LITTLE longer to discover your authentic voice. xoxo ItGirl OverLoad xoxo


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