What's your story??????

There are many places to be, but where I've found the most peace is within. There's so much to do, yet so little time to get things done. I feel like there are so many distractions but it's never the right distractions. No one knows you like you know you. There's never a better solitude than the one inside of you. There's never the "right time' to go within and find the real you. You have to want to know the you before the current you took over. You have to seek difference while placing your fingers on indifference. While you're allowing the world to keep you from yourself, there are people finding themselves.
There's a story in us all, that makes us all important, but too many of us have yet to find it. Your story is priceless, but why does it seem pricey around basic people? Why are you dialing down who you could be to make others comfortable? I never found comfort in medicore people, because I've always found myself doubting myself, and my story to be someone I was never meant to be -to keep myself under to make others okay with themselves... and where do you think that got me? I want to explore extraordinary places, but how can I ever do that around people who aren't like me? How can I discover the best chapters of myself, if the world is steadily telling me I have no story?
WE ALL HAVE POTENTIAL BUT HOW MUCH POTENTIAL CAN WE USE UP IN A WORLD LIKE THIS???? Music notes will never sound like music if you continue to stay in unpoetic places. xoxo ItGirl OverLoad xoxo


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