Sadistic Saturday's~ Cloak your happiness!!!

Yeah, the title may be confusing because today's supposed to be a relaxing day, but there's always a needed message behind every post that I post. Things happen but can you ever pinpoint the why; can you realize the pain others try so hard to put into your magnetic field? Do you notice how their actions removes your will to ever be happy around them. There are always reasons as to why they act the way that they do, maybe it's because they see the greatness in you. Maybe they seem to always want to attack you, because they sense that you're about to leave them. I'm here to tell you that it takes a second to redirect your footsteps. Yeah just like healing, knowledge also isn't linear. Sometimes it's easy to forget what we're wanting to do, but it's never okay to allow sadistic people to steal your joy.
It's your joy that allows you to keep on creating, because when you're constantly creating, you're also allowing your mind to think of creative ideas to remove yourself from toxic situations. I know I'm sounding overly contradicting, but hear me out. Learn to cloak your happiness only when they're around, and no this doesn't mean you have to replace the happiness with unhappiness, I'm just saying to keep your best cardas off the table -only for the time being. Bad energies will always come together to overrule the greater player. You'll forever be the right one, but to them you'll always be the wrong one... but who cares -right? The only way to destroy their words as well as their actions, is to dettach every life line that they currently have to you. OF COURSE IT'S ONE STEP AT A TIME BUT DON'T WAIT TO LONG TO TAKE MY ADVICE!!! I'm telling you this, because once they fully have you, it's even harder to get yourself back. xoxo ItGirl OverLoad xoxo


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