Pink Wednesday Reload!!!!

I'm sorry you haven't seen me, or this side of me in a long time, and when I say me I truly mean me. The real me. The one who writes like she hasn't bloomed yet... me. The sad but highly poetic... me. The PINK me. Truth is I've been watching myself slip from all that kept me whole and or solid in 2022. I don't know where I'm going, even though I hold the power to stir myself in the said direction that I want to go in. I don't know where my mind is, and I don't know if i can even call this a PINK BLOG, because right now it's all gray. I'm pretty sure I'm writing this on the wrong day, and I'm just mixing up my emotions... or I'm trying to cover up the fact that I'm just as human as you.
Everything that's pretty is also scary inside. What you deem to be magificent may just be a total and complete nightmare. Let's try our best to catch a PINK VIBE, while discussing castaway exiles made by oursleves. Why must we count ourselves out? Is it because we're the bad guys(to our ownselves or is it because we're empty and needing to fill some sort of void). What do you think, or do you think at all? I think its perfectly okay to be unstable on beautiful days. It's totally reasonable. It's absolutly fine to feel broken, while they're in tact or perfectly stoned. Never blame the circumstances though, always blame your cold actions in wanting to feel better. SO WHAT IF I'M THE BAD GUY I'M CLOSING MY DOOR NOW!!! I had to do it today, because I would've never done it. xoxo ItGirl OverLoad xoxo


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