Pink Wednesday ~Don't Kill Your Dreams!!!!

Hey. Hey. Hey. How are you? How are you feeling? Are you happy it's Wednesday, or are you just going with the flow, either way let's make the best of it. Who can we make smile today, and who can we remove from our lives knowing that benefits it'll give us? You can either walk the straight path, or the long path... but don't be surprised if the long path takes you everywhere -before you actually get somewhere. Know that nothing's truly broken, because with the right will you can make it anytihng you desire your dreams to be. Let's digitally talk dreams, and how you shouldn't let them die, because dead dreams don't actually send you anywhere but to hell.
We're all blessed with dreams,and most of us achieve them while others decieve themselves, until they banish what could've plucked them from their hated environment -to another reality. Some of us already have the required protection, and others of us have to have an abundance amount of faith. So when your thoughts are telling you that you're not good enough, and people around you are giving you unessarcy blacklash(as if their existence ever mattered on the same scale as your creative talents), choose to turn up the volume. Choose to listen to your artistic voice, and never an amateur's voice. There's a difference. One comes to comfort, while the others stays to wallow. Don't sabotage who you could be, because this world needs a talent such as yourself. REMEMBER MY WORDS ALWAYS AND FOREVER!!!! Even though it's kill or be killed... don't allow that to disorganize your way of thinking, if it's to invite in or produce more evil. xoxo ItGirl OverLoad xoxo


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