Eventually we all hit rock bottom!!!!

We all fall, but falling down with your eyes closed won't do you much good either. When you fall where does your mind go, when you've overthought every decision but haven't acted on none? You can't keep yourself where you no longer belong, because that's just madness waiting to be unleased. Tonight isn't the night to fall apart, but to come clean with yourself. What's keeping you numb? What's keeping you ill? What's keeping you scared of flying high -instead of falling behind? Ask yourself this questions on a daily basis -for consistent answers. Why might you ask, because when you know your inner feelings, other people's emotions can't drag you down to their level.
C'mon it's common sense. When you strengthen your inner being, you forever save yourself heartaches. If we're falling, we're falling for blissful moments and not stressful ones. Stress kills the weak, and eternally severs the strong. Realize that everything's an illusion. You aren't where you currently are. Maybe you're there mentality and in spirit, but are you there personally? Can you actually see yourself slipping, when you're mentality falling, because if you were to ask me -I'd say that you wear your struggles well. I'd say I never actually saw your struggles up close, or even from afar. You're magical, but you have to believe what I'm digitally telling you. THE WORLD DOESN'T NEED TO LOSE ANOTHER SOLIDER!!! Help me help you. xoxo ItGirl OverLoad xoxo


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