You might lose it all!!!!

I've gathered you here to digitally talk importance in time, and action. Both segments are highly important, so I don't want to waste too much time, because just like me, I know you've got places to be -and if you don't, at least act like you do. I witnessed someone get something that was rather large taken away from them, and this "something" was something big. It was something that played a stalemate, and it was also something that tied the person I'm talking about, to their past. It was something most people wouldn't want to lose... if they're an all time hoarder. It was old energy at best, but I couldn't tell this person to get rid of it, without there being an argument(on their end), because I honestly don't like to argue.
Let's talk stale energy, and how that's crippling for creatives. Us creatives create for a living, and if not for an actual living, we do it to at least breathe. We create to display what we fail to say. We design without limits and surely without sturdy foundations, because how strudy is a foundation -in the eyes of a drunk painter? The universe will always intervene if we don't take control of our lives. The universe doesn't play fair when it's given us so many chances to cut ties with what no longer serves us. Think long(but not too long), and hard(but not too hard) on what's keeping you from being the best you, and when you're given answers, take matters into your own hands and solve what needs solving. DON'T WAIT UNTIL THE UNIVERSE VIOLENTLY TAKES WHAT NEEDED TO GO!!! You can never be devasted when you were given so much time to conduct your business. xoxo ItGirl Overload xoxo


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