Spiritually getting back on track!!!

Hey, what's up? How are you, and how is your Sunday going? I'm actually having a blissful day, because I beat my cognitive dissonance this morning. Lately I've been skippping things like reading a little while longer, and meditating, but this morning I actually took full control. I didn't give myself any room to talk myself from doing what needed to be done. I'm proud of the actions I took. I think it's important to fulfill everything that we know for a fact would and or will satisfy us. It's easier to just do what needs doing, instead of constantly stuffing our tasks away in some hidden drawer -made for poisonous spiders.
We shouldn't be the reason new and good energy doesn't flow properly or correctly. That's like disrespecting nature,and all of it's known benefits. Why shun yourself from positive rewards. What kind of conditioning does that turn us into -if not away from ourselves, on a spiritual level. Turning away from yourself is no good for you, or anybody else for that matter. We should crave movement, and not stagnation. Getting back on the right track means remembering what felt good, and what would be the result(s) if you got back on that track. You have the ability to reinvent your track to make it to your own liking, because all in all, we do evolve or must evolve -if we want different results to our current issues. NOT BELIEVING IN YOURSELF IS DEFINITELY NOT WORTH YOUR TIME!!! If they could see you today, they'd either be amazed or happy for all the wrong reasons. How they see you is solely based on you and your actions. xoxo ItGirl OverLoad xoxo


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