Monday's Madness!!!

It honestly doesn't feel like a Monday. It's feels like the day before Monday, but after Sunday. Time doesn't exist. We're only calling today Monday, because some random person willed it so. Don't believe information that's forced down your throat. It's too easy to go along with certain words -when those words are "perfectly" designed. But here's the thing, when you're allowing those around you -but never along side you tell you otherwise -then of course you'll constantly lose yourself -if not screw yourself first. So, anyway;s what's the game plan for today? Is there something amazing and or creative -that has your name on it?
I wanted to digitally talk to you, about how you should never just settle in someone else's madness. People will bring you down -but only if you allow them, to do so. They'll drag you to the depths of nowhere -to make it impossible for you to get the proper help. Because when you're free from their lunacy -then who's going to keep them company? Negativity only thrives; when there's a strong enough link. Don't waste your life, trying to cradle and or comfort -zero below passing energy. Who's going to believe that you're in trouble, if you've always seemed okay? Who's going to give you an extended hand -if you yourself -decided to wait too long to separate yourself, from those wishing to rob you of your joy? You shouldn't have to reach crisis -for someone else to believe your distress. GET OUT WHILE YOU STILL CAN!!!! Always remember to create such profound opportunites for yourself xoxo ItGirl OverLoad xoxo


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