It's Monday so let's Move On!!!!

It's too easy. It's too easy to give up when every door keeps finding a way to slam shut -while having you thinking that maybe just maybe, it'll open back up. We tend to waste too much time going after one thing, instead of going for many things. Yes... we can be resilient, when it comes to one option, but that doesn't mean, we'll always get what we've been seeking. Not everything that we're seeking -is also seeking us. Be wary when your time is being wasted on the notion "maybe". "Maybe this will happen if I stick it out." Most times it won't, but that's okay. You have to be okay with things not going according to plan(Like I always say).
Have many options, especially in today's time. These are both diffcult, and interesting times -we're leaving in. One moment things could be going gravy, just for things to go south. You have to be ready for that. Don't let the many doors, that have already closed in your face, keep you down. The goal is to stay up, and try not to fall face down. Be patient, and willing to sit it out. But this doesn't mean you'll be doing nothing, even when nothing is happening. You should be consuming everything around you. Knowledge is forever power. But imagine a world where you're able to blend both your intelligence with your intriguing crafts. Oh wait! We're already a part of that world. Do what you can, while you wait for more. SO YES, YOU WILL GET EVERYTHING THAT YOU DESIRE!!! Don't think the universe is working against you. Don't be deceived. xoxo ItGirl OverLoad xoxo


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