Sunday Laundry!!!

Who knew digital laundry talks could be so fun? Even if they're not fun for you, they're always a blast for me. I like anything that allows me to both relax and also multitask. These two mesh so well together. I'm a sucker for any and everything that's peaceful. I'm happy to see that you've chosen my sanctuary to digitally wash your clothes. You already know what we offer here. So, let's skip the small talk and let's get to business. What could I say to help you have a peace of mind -for this soothing sunday? It's today that sets the tone for your upcoming week. Never take sundays for granted.
Let's talk problems, and how we give them too many green lights -to control us. I've been seeing destruction in other people. And it's been teaching me -what not to be and or do. On no given day, should you allow things that are clearly out of your control, control your entire day. Feeling the same negative emotions, are never good for one's psyche. Whether you know it or not, you're holding on to harmful energy. And you're also spiritually telling your body, that it's okay to store it. Which is extremely damaging to one's being. How long do you expect to operate on a backed up powerhouse? Only you have the power to redirect such emotions. Emotions will never have the power to control you -unless you make it so. Parasites perish in high vibrational bodies. So I have a question to ask you. Are you allowing parasites to own you, or are you disowning them? CLEANSE YOURSELF TO RAISE YOUR VIBRATIONS, OR FOREVER BE THE PERFECT HOST TO LEECHES!!! Don't go all "psycho" on already set in stone concrete ordeals xoxo ItGirl OverLoad xoxo


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