Manipulations Monday's~ Speak your truth!!!

It's another Monday, and I was just thinking, we've all been taught to speak up when necessary. In fact if we didn't we were always shamed. The world wanted us to show teeth, even before we actually had teeth. I don't know if this was some sort of training, or if the world was really just testing our resilience(before we actually knew what this word meant.) But then times changed. It's as if the same people who shamed us, turned into the people we were taught to speak up against. It's like our society leveled down, instead of progessing forward. There was definitely a shift, and of course it wasn't for the good. So, allow me to take you down, a whirl wind. But I promise I'll digitally bring you back, because even I know, you can't take people too far down rabbit holes. Some people give up, when vivid images -are sparking realization.
I talk about loving fresh starts. But one can never truly enjoy the newness, if they're always being manipulated into accepting only the oldness. You will never grow, if your perception is warped by those wishing to keep you stifled, and or stagnant. Be mindful and well aware, when you're constantly bumping into people who aren't feeling the desire to grow. What do you think they'll do to you, when they see you growing? They'll do what most farmers do, when they don't see the potential in certain crops. They'll stop watering them. Duhhhh. Never feel like you have to walk on egg shells -when it comes to certain people. The wrong people will always convince you, that there's a such thing as superiority. But here's the thing it's a man- made limiting mindset. It's made to keep people in check. It's only in our vocabulary, because those who haven't taken the time to heal themselves, have found a way to feel healed, around people who still question [their own] power as well as potential. WHEN WERE YOU ACTUALLY YOURSELF, AND NOT WHO THE WORLD WANTED YOU TO BE? Don't let others give love a bad name!!! xoxo ItGirl OverLoad xoxo


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