Food For Thought Friday's!!!!

Yesterday was PINK THURSDAY, but since halloween is approaching, I've been feeling like the complete opposite of PINK. So here I am giving you DIGITAL MESSSAGES, but in a dark way -with maybe hints of pink(that really looks like the color orange.) How's your week going? How is it truly going, because in today's society, we're made to believe that our actual feelings are too morbid for other people to understand. So, basically we're slowly being programmed to dettach ourselves -from our actual selves, and or feelings. Because it's when you're human, can no one actually control you. But most people are trading their human qualities for unhuman materials.
It can never be you actually crying, because there's always someone saying that they don't feel comfortable with your tears. It can never be me expressing myself in full action, because there's always someone who's never seen true action. So, where the f*ck can we actually walk that line that makes us well... us? I would really love for every person that's reading this to think for yourself. And maybe you are doing what I'm suggesting. So this is your sign to keep doing more of this, because it can be hard to stick to something -when you're being made the enemy for choosing to walk a different path that only consists of realness. Keep going! Walking in your truth will always brings many rewards. Don't ever forget this. Always think for yourself. No one will ever know you like you know you. DON'T LOSE YOURSELF TO A BROKEN SYSTEM!!! Losing yourself to a broken system is both wack and weak.Thirty three more days till Halloween xoxo ItGirl OverLoad xoxo


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