Burn Your Empire~ Wake Up!!!

Hi solider. Thanks for coming back, to this hefty -yet poetic segment. Like I said this is by far one of my fave segments.Maybe it's because I'm a fire sign, and anything fiery sets my soul ablaze. But honestly most times I feel like I 've got nothing to show for. It's me looking for the thief, who stole and or sold my soul. I'm talking generational curses. I'm discussing deals being made with the devil. Ancient deals, signed by the hands of another. It's the the filthy hands, that consistently lied to me. It's the blood that runs within my blood. It's the blood I would so desparately want to drain from my flesh -if that means purging away all the bad parts of me... which indeed aren't me.
I already told you on tuesday's, we discuss what it takes to burn what you've considered to have taken your power. If claiming your grand steps, means burning pearly white floors, then that's what it's going to take. But first you need to wake up! You need to smell the bullsh*t, and you need to understand that it walks... and it walks far. I can easily run game on you, if you've never played such games. So, if I can do that, what do you think those entities in your empire can do? I know that you're more powerful than they know you to be, but in order to go from burning castles, to burning empires, one must wake up and know that in order to wake up -this means losing those who would've walked a lifetime with you. See we're never alone if we choose to stay alseep, but we'll forever be alone if we chose to vibrate on a higher level of thinking. So let's start from stratch. Starting from stratch means taking a second look at your bloodline. What have those before you, done that's keeping you alseep? HOW CAN I KILL THE DEVIL, IF I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT HE AND OR SHE LOOKS LIKE!!! You have to be okay with asking questions!!! xoxo ItGirl OverLoad xoxo


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