It's another thursday... so another day out of the week to be given the courage to change your vision. Just because too much of the world is beyond bleak, doesn't give you the reason and or right to do the same. Some things... I mean most things should never require you to follow suit. When you choose to "follow suit", it's you really being okay with being accustomed to the mediocrities of the world. Instead of calling you a survior, it would only be fitting to call you a settler. You're a disater to oneself, but never a destroyer of both worlds.
You have to have laser PINK vision if you're going to make it out alive. Everybody wants to rule the world, but has anyone taken a stand as of now? The world is run by deceit. So what does one do in times like these to transform? It's quite simple actually. You have to become so sick of what's already causing a large amount of stress in your life. Stand up straight, and begin to do more of what you love. Anything that you love will turn you inside out. It will have you disregarding your simple meatsuit. Yes in this case you'll be easily spotted, but isn't this the plan? The plan is to expose yourself while also out doing yourself.
YOU SAY I'M CRAZY BUT I KNOW I'M NOT THE ONLY ONE!!!! xoxo Soon to be ItGirl overLoad xoxo


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