MIDNIGHT SEDUCTION~ Should You Be 'Rue's' Type Of Dangerous?????

Is it weird that I still haven't seen the last episode of 'Euphoria"? I don't know. I don't sit around watching T.V. all day long. That could never be me. I think I'd upchuck on a wood chuck if I did. There's more to life than that. But we're not here for the pep talk. I'm here to help you once more. I've actually been summoned from hell once more, by no other than you. You're worried that you're not doing IT for him anymore? Or you're just all in your head. I thought you knew by now to not listen to your thoughts, because "your thoughts" , aren't really your thoughts( I know...mind blown.)
But anyways I'll stick around. Why might you ask... because I just so happen to adore my "MIDNIGHT SEDUCTION" segments. They're hypnotizing. If you'd actually listen to my spells, he too would be hypnotized. If you want him drooling over you, then you're going to have to be dangerous. The more dangerous the better. Rememeber you could never take it too far.Theres always a seatbelt if you fear any mishaps. ladies we're trying to trap him. We're trying to imprison him within his own head. Take him on a trip of a lifetime. Personally I think you have a "Lilith" inside of you, but you're just nervous. I mean I'd be nervous too if I didn't want to Fu*k this up. Because you know what's worse than one being FU*ked up, it's the both of you being FU*ked up. BE DANGEROUS BUT NOT TOO FAR GONE. I'D HATE FOR YOU TO LOSE EVERYTHING LIKE RUE!!!!! TAKE HIM TO THE TOP, AND LET HIM MAKE HIMSELF DROP!!!


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