It's another "MIDNIGHT SEDUCTION". One of these days you'll thank me for, or you'll hate me because(The guy that you're dealing with, has gone all "Bat Shit"crazy, by my teachings...), won't leave you alone. But you can't blame me, because when you come through, I always make it known that my Midnight Seduction reads, will take you straight to hell. So if you're overly religious why would you even be interested in Hell anyways? But since you're here there's no use in escaping. I've ordered the gates be on lock down, until you've finished reading this juicy... or shall I say tasteless, because the test dummy we have coming to the center stage is a COLD one. So with all due respect, get comfortable.
Ladies and gents(because there's no use in going incognito), may I present to you, Nate Jacobs. He starred in the hit T.V. show "Euphoria". But we don't have time when it comes to me breaking down his entire story line. I'm trying to get you ready for when he comes home. So without further or do... lets dive deep into Nate. For starters he's a sick F!ck. Ladies he's just like every other guy you've met. He comes from a family, that's quite distant. His dad is... well let's just say he's... quite the spirit. Most guys that are assh*les usually come from a broken home. But to be honest there are some who are brought up into a happy home, but they still go around staining others. Ladies if you want to break him down, you have to leave him broken. If you're always around, when he needs someone to go to, he'll take full advantage of you. But in doing so make sure you always look good... not for him, but for you. This method shouldn't be giving off an "impression", but make it a habit to always put yourself, and your looks first. We're trying to turn him into a twisted FUCK, not a twisted killer. THE ONLY TIME YOU'LL BE HIS THERAPIST, IS IF YOU'RE ROLE PLAYING... OTHER THEN THAT YOU'RE COMPLETELY AND UTTERLY COLD xoxo Soon to be ItGirl OverLoad xoxo


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