Omg Just Tell Them To Leave Already!!!!

JoJo was that girl, don't play, because I'm not here to play... my ankles hurt. Can I just add my two cents, I think you're wasting your time. Why are you listening to the same lies over and over, isn't it daunting. At this point I'm pretty sure you can recite their words, am I right or am I right? With every sad story there are crocodile tears, but has anyone ever seen such beasts cry? Get out of your head, you need to put that book down, that "fairytale" was a lie. It was made up ,to prey upon people such as yourself.
When you let the same person make the same "mistakes" , even though you told them that it was hurting you, it's like an idiot doing the same thing hopeing that this time( for the millionth time) will be the right time. Do you get what I'm saying? There are sooooo many fish in the sea, it's kind of pathetic that you keep going back to that ONE person. Yeah I'm calling you out, because it seems like no one else is doing it. Or maybe your friends/family tried on numerous occassions to talk your head on straight, but in the end they gave up. How long did you expect them to wait for you to smell the Bullsh!t? You couldn't have actually thought that they would stay in arms reach... now did you? I'm going to predict your future real quick! I see you losing those closes to you, all in the name of that one person. You're going to wake up,and you're going to be all alone. And you'll have no one to blame,BUT YOURSELF. Be more like JoJo ,and tell them to GET OUT. YOU ALREADY KNOW HOW COLD THEY ARE IF YOU'RE GOING TO CUT THEM LOOSE YOU'RE GOING TO NEED A BIGGER JACKET PREFERABLE A COAT, AND A DAGGER. NO THAT'S A BUTTER KNIFE!!!! xoxo Soon to be ItGirl OverLoad xoxo


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