Make Peace With Your Past!!!

I'm here to talk to you about you, because I'm tired of this whole "living in the past movemen"t you've still got going on! Do you know anything about time? Do you care how much time you've wasted? Would you shut me out, to continue your trip towards the past? When are you going to move on. I think I'm talking to myself as well, because the smallest thing takes me back to events I'd rather forget. But it's also a sign that we're not doing enough. None Guilty/ashamed people never look towards the past,because what does it really serve.
Yeah we all have a past. I'll admit some of our pasts are sad, bitter, violent, hurtful, vicious,etc. I can also remind you that your past isn't you. Your past doesn't define you nor shall it break you. So get up, and make your present enjoyable. Find ways to cut those chords, I think it's time. You wouldn't be reading this, if you weren't ready for a change. Please for FUCK'S sake, break those chains that bind you to what and who you once were. Be thankful you're still here, I know too many people who had their whole life ahead of them, to only be taken away far too early. Leave that dark limbo nothingness and GO HOME. HOME IS ANYWHERE THAT YOUR SOUL SKIPS A BEAT. Stop feeling pity towards yourself, get up you have work to do. But just know sometimes your past is always waiting to mess with your present,and just know I'll be watching. Some things you can't be saved from! Your mistakes can be lessons, but also repeated mistakes that are meant to hurt another doesn't make you human. I don't know what type of monster you are, but you don't look so good. Careful now you might visit that sad memory for a second to only get stuck there for an eternity. I warned you, maybe you should listen who knows when the world will claim me, but I already vowed to myself to make the rest of my life the best of my life xoxo Soon to be ItGirl OverLoad xoxo


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