If Your GirlBrand Has Forced You To Become Something, Why Not Let It Be A Siren?

Ladies, we ALL have a female archetype, and we should all be showing up as that ,archetype everyday. Knowing what resonates what you on a soul level should be enticing. You should be able to tap into your higher level of being, at any given moment. Knowing what character you are, automically sets your up for greatness, and it lesssens your chances of wasting time on sources that doesn't feed your soul and or mission. Because we're all given a mission, and how you go about that determines your one god given life here on earth. Yes I know, not everyone believes in god, I most times find myself in hell. Trust and believe I don't complain.
I feel like every women is different, but I also know that every women can very well channel her dark femininity. You can allow yourself to be that siren, that brings everyone to their knees. And before you act like you're godly, let me say that even though you may not consider; ignoring your boyfriend/husband (works of the underworld)because he did something that you didn't particularly like. It got you want you wanted later right? Yeah ok then... so just put a piece of pie in your mouth, and hold your horses. The race hasn't begun. Knowing how to operate on a siren level is do-able, even while having a halo. Hun... you need the halo to get the fruit right? But when you get the fruit, and it doesn't stain others ,then you're doing it wrong! You have to seduce your audience before,they'll take you serious. How to be a siren... let's get into it. (1) Your words should sound poetic. So I think it's time to research seductive poems. (2) Your tone range should sound like music [Trust me you don't have to know how to sing to accomplish this.] (3) Your hair should smell of lovely memories, anything but seaweed( even though your actual home is underwater) , basically when he smells your hair, it should take him back to a time in his useless life where he was "safe." (4) Your eyes should be both intense yet calming, to let others put their guard down. (5) Your skin should be smoother than MJ's moon walk (hahaha). (6) Your nails should be polished. Shell pink is a bouns, even if your nails are a clear tint, nails are a personality giveaway. (7) Your legs should glisten like the the water's reflection of the moon. (8) Consume more water, because you want to always be in tune with the unknown (which is the underworld, while you reside on land.) (9) Last but definitely not least, keep your lips crack free, why would your lips look as if you haven't visited home lately. THIS WAS A FUN POST, I'LL FOR SURE POST MORE OF THESE, BECAUSE THERE'S SO MANY ARCHETYPES TO GO THROUGH. BUT IN ALL CHAOS THERE'S ALWAYS CALCULATION xoxo Soon to be ItGirl OverLoad xoxo


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