I Got My Rock Moves I Don't Need You!!!!

So I have this fanastic idea. I want to bring a "pink" segment to my platform. The segment will be introduced EVERY WEDNESDAY. It's crazy how synchronicites work. I was thinking about bringing p!nk to the ItGirl Platfrom for awhile now, but also today I was thinking about the mean girls, and then I had an epiphany. I was like today's wednesday right? What's that one quote that the mean girls always referenced on Wednesday's? What was the color? I always want to be help girls/women be their best self. I also love inspiring people, so to all the guys out there that enjoy my content, and also to the guys that resonate when I call such "men", out then I'd advise you stay tuned throughout my blogging journey. I promised you'll come out a different person.
If I gave you my phone to scope out my playlist, P!nk is one of those artist's that takes up way too much space(you'd only think this if your playlist is bland.) Besides from her wild hair styles and hair colors, she was and still is an icon. She made it known that the industry nor society could change her. She was a villian to the gential community, but ohhhhh they would've loved to spend nights with her. Who else still listens to her music. Her music is dark poetry. I feel exposed and vile when I listen to her music. I always accumulate more levels of strength when I let p!nk inside my head. Ladies P!NK, should teach you how to not give an "F", like a nice teacher. I'm obsessed with her, and I always will be. If you're ready to change your life, all you have to do is give in. Let P!nk inside. Just surrender! And when the time is right, we'll come to you. It'll be your door, that we coming knocking on. This is my favorite song by P!NK. P!nk's the type of girl to slap those guys on their a** like she's birthing them, but what do you, they'd actually like it!!!!! xoxo Soon to be ItGirl OverLoad xoxo


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