You're going to have to do it tired

When building your brand of any sorts, it requires you to treat Saturdays and Sundays like a Monday- Friday. Especially being an entrepreneur. There are no days off when you're trying to become someone that you've never been. It needs you showing up everyday with the same vision and with the same approach constantly, because if you're going after a certain goal,but if your aim is inconsistent then your goal obviously isn't going to get execution.It's common sense, you get what you pay for. Hitting a tree but striking it any and everywhere isn't going to make the tree fall. And shall I also add that it isn't going to make the tree fall any faster. But hitting the tree in the same spot everyday consistently... well nature has to pay it's dues.The tree being your goal and your striking being you showing up everday even when you don't "feel" like it. There's no other way! Waiting to feel energized to do anything will keep you at bay. You'll never feel the waves on your skin, if you wait to feel ready. How could you even expect to get what you want, if you're not willing to roll out of bed at three or four in the morning. I sense entitlement! You're not going to feel ready... hell chances are when you finally do feel ready everyone and their mom will try their hardest to stop you from reaching your highest self. The enemy will use everything in his/her toolbox to get you to stop you from getting up each and EVERY morning and going after it. Now the enemy can't stop you his/herself but the main objective is to get you to stop you. You have to come to the realization that you can have and be whatever your soul desires you to be! You just have to want it bad enough. ALWAYS BE AHEAD OF TODAY AND NEVER LOOK TO THE PAST FOR ANSWERS. SO WHEN ARE IF YOU EVER FEEL TIRED JUST TAKE A BREAK BUT CHANCES ARE IF YOUR DREAMS OUTWEIGH HOW YOU FEEL IN THAT VERY MOMENT THEN YOUR DESIRES WILL ALWAYS SIT COMFORTABLY IN THE PASSENGERS SEAT. xoxo Soon to be ItGirl Overload xoxo


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