What's so wrong with loving yourself?

Has it really gotten to the point where everyone is wanting to be someone else. Society has tried so hard to disconnect one for one's self. Why is that? Why can't I love myself? Why is it considered being self absorbed ? Has society become so scared, that they believe that being authentic ,will set them back on their path? We weren't created to be the same. We all hold something different , that make us unique. It takes more effort in trying to be someone you're not. Stop trying to fit where you dont belong. It's ok to out grow people and places, especially if they can't fathom the fact that you're a confident force, that doesn't need feedback. most people nowadays are too busy trying to dim other people's light. Stop listening to people, you wouldn't take advice from. Forcing yourself to become a likeable person is very exhausting, even more so when the majority doesn't even like themselves. Never give a self loathing person a microphone, to speak how they feel. Because the day you listen to someone who doesn't even like themselves is the day that you waste away your creativity. Embrace who you are, and what you were placed on earth to do. Let's normalize liking ourselves, and telling people to "kick rocks" , if they aren't on the same page! Stop with the copying, to "fit in". You weren't meant to fit it, and that's perfect. Stray away from the crowd, and go be who you were meant to be. Don't become unoriginal to please others. I promise the side of you that you're surpressing the most, is the side that the world craves to see. You have to trust the process. You also have to believe that there are people that are interested in the REAL you. The one that the wrong crowd forced you to leave behind. Go find that little girl or that little boy that you left behind. Who did you want to be, before the world TOLD you who to be? Become anything, but average. Live on the edge. take pictures, write about it, shout about it. We're waiting to see the happy you. The authentic you. The funny and crafty you. This world is vicious, but don't get caught up in it. Truth be told, people are going to try and test the waters. They're going to see how much projection they can send your way. They'll use everything in their toolbox , but remember an enemy isn't going to waste their time attacking anything that they know, that doesn't have potential. And you, my friend has been given more than enough potential to change the world. When you believe in yourslef whole heartedly there's nothing and nobody that can stop you. So let them sharpen their pitch forks, but just know every riot will have it's downfall. YOU'RE GOING TO BURN THEM TO THE GROUND. ALL OF THEM! xoxo Soon to be Itgirl Overload xoxo


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