Stop judging and focus on what you're not doing !!!!

We've all been scared to start something new, because of the backlash from others right? It's frustrating trying to live your life, and seeing others laughing in the distance. I still find myself letting nonsenses like that get me down, but i've noticed it's not as frequent, as before. I used to literally stop everything before even starting, because the fear of what others would think. I would question myself on whether or not people would make fun of me or not. I was letting people who didn't/shouldn't have a say so ,have a say so. I was letting them run and call the shots. I found myself being the back seat passenger in my life. It was like reading a book on my life, and knowing that I couldn't revise or even create anything within the book. Sometimes it was my own family. So for a long time I let everyone tell me what not to do and question everything in between. I would explain my cause to people who only in return projected their closed mindedness onto me. I had to make it make sense to them, but it never did. I suffered for traumas,as a child, that kept me locked away far from my body. It was like being told to do something that you knew wasn't meant for your greater good, but you being you, not having the strength to stick up for yourself,doing it anyways. Growing up I was forced to survive, instead of just simply being a child. So that started showing up in my everyday life;letting others control me(and my feelings, which led to my thoughts being wired to my abuser's liking),me becoming overly shy,me acting out in school,me being afraid to do simple things like eating in front of my friends(even though I grew up with them),me taking rejection to heart(questioning myself, which led me to not feeling good enough in anyones eyes),me letting other's talk down on me , putting myself last, looking to no one for comfort, coming off as cold,not showing affection to anyone, etc. Basically I was living a double life. Making everyone laugh at school,and fighting for my life at home. It truly does suck when your first bully lives within your four walls, and you having to see them everyday. No day was a good day.Any who...... sorry for going off on a tangent... my up bringing is definitely for another day. I just want you(reading this), to take back your power. People who try so hard to drain you of your power, are actually, one of the weakess pieces on the board, if we're looking at this,as if it were a chessboard. In fact I want you to start looking at life like a game. Truly and honestly! Stop taking life so serious, or stop letting the nobody's around you suck the originality out of you. Never let others wash away the colors meant for your life. Your life should never become dull in any way. Look at it this way, people wouldn't be so obsessed with your life if their was worth dying for. Start doing things you want to do, and break away from things that stir you away from things that make you happy. If you want to try a new hobby go after it. If you want to take that class,who's to say you can't. You want to buy that one way ticket and get away? Why haven't you packed your bag and cut ties with any and everything holding you back? These are things that need to race and stay through your mind at all times. Keep your mind so busy and focused on youself, that no one will be able to force their way in with a plan to change that. I'm serious you only get one life. Do you really want to be filled with shame and regret? I've noticed that when you live your life,people will laugh and question your decisions. After that, when they see you living your life and getting results from that, they'll start to ask "how you did it?",or they'll simply just try and down play what you got going on. Don't give up on yourself just to please others! Stop letting people live through you, because you'll become unrecognizable. Live for you...and only you. Do what you want to do. Be the inspiration for others. Pave the way, for others who need guidance. People who laugh at you for doing something positive, are actually funny. Because it's not you they're laughing at, always remember that. They're laughing to hid the shame they feel towards themselves. Have you ever heard someone say " how can you do that, I could never"WELL YEAH ASSHOLE, YOU COULD NEVER, THAT'S THE POINT". They make fun, because it's easier then going within,and getting to the root of the "ACTUAL" problem. So now when I see people of that nature, I make sure I'm having the most fun,to make sure I let them know that what they say or do, doesn't affect me. Because then they'll feel stupid. SO WHEN THEY LAUGH...GIVE THEM SOMETHING TO LAUGH AT, BECAUSE THEY'RE THE AUDIENCE WATCHING A SHOW. ALWAYS REMEMBER AN AUDIENCE, CAN'T WATCH A SHOW WITHOUT FIRST PURCHASING TICKETS. AND AREN'T YOU SUPPOSED TO FIRST ADMIRE SOMETHING ENOUGH TO ACTUALLY PURCHASE SOMETHING IN RETURN? xoxo It Girl Overload xoxo


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