Girl Brand- Stop Trying To Squeeze yourself Into A Mold Created By Others!

To all my girlfriends out there people will always have many comments regarding 'who you are meant to be". knowing that it's not who you are meant to be, but who they want you to be. They will swear on everything that they love ( which might even be little to nothing), that they know what's best. They will also judge you for wanting to put your best foot forward ( because they aren't appreciative of a stylish pair of shoes.) I use to find it hard to believe that there are people who are able to see the potiential that you possess , before you see it in yourself. These people also are willing to waste their own life and or potential commenting on your life. I'd highly recommend that you consider them to be a fan. BUT NOT ALL FANS MEAN YOU GOOD. It's like society wants everyone to be the same. I can't stress this enough, ladies we were never meant to be the same. How spooky that would be if we all were the same, did the same things, talked the same, omg... dressed the same. Ewwww what a horrible disaster that would be! We are all created with not similar but very different codes that makes us all unique. Never aspire to be like anyone else unless she's a women on the GIRL BRAND platform of course(; But even still take what you like and learn how to spit out the bones. Feel free to put a twist on it. No matter what anbody says everyone loves the unknown. Being normal is boring. Let other people be boring, but not you. You reading this right now become what they don't want you to be, because I promise, when you finally decide what you want for yourself people will take notes.They most likely will be horrible when it comes to taking notes, but netherless you will be their muse! So choose today to clear your vision, because society is trying so hard to detached you from yourself. You need to learn how to wear those rose colored glasses in a world filled with individuals who'd rather see the world in black and grey. Learn how to peel away the curtain and be who you were meant to be! EITHER WAY YOU CHOOSE TO DO IT THEY'LL HATE YOU FOR IT BUT KEEP IN MIND THAT HATE IS A FORM OF FLATTERY BECOME WHO THE CREATOR/UNIVERSE CALLED ON YOU TO BE... ANSWER THAT MESSAGE! xoxo Soon to be ItGirl Overload xoxo


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